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Jane and Paul

A very nice girl is Jane
She always comes home before rain,
She always helps her mother
She always listens to her brother.

A very lazy boy is Paul
He never parts with his ball,
He never helps his mother
He never listens to his sister.

Jane is always nice
Paul is never wise,
Jane is never noisy,
Paul is always lazy.


Learning English
(a poem)

Learning English is very easy
If you are not too busy,
It won't take you long
If your wish is too strong.

Learning English becomes easy
If you are not too lazy,
You can learn it very fast
And speak fluently at last.


I Wanted to Stay
( a poem)

My legs took me away
Though I wanted to stay
I said "bye" and went away
Though I wanted to stay
You sadly looked at me
As if wanted to say
"Don't go away"
I felt sorry to leave you
'cause I wanted to stay
and talk to you and love you
And start a new life with you
Why didn't you...

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